I would like to welcome you to my website. I am Nico Zimmermann, a Swiss youth presenter and producer. I have been fascinated by the media since I was a little boy. Now not in the sense that I sit in front of the television all day and do nothing, but rather in such a way that I have always wondered how to make media. I started making my own "radio shows" in kindergarten. So I always broadcast my program into the living room so that my parents could listen to me. At the moment I am a presenter for various youth events in the Zürcher Unterland. In addition, I present at the biggest Swiss youth radio Radio4TNG. In my spare time I shoot short clips with my colleagues, which we recently uploaded to YouTube. In these films I usually deal with topics that make you think. I like these topics very much, because they are not so "mainstream" things, but topics, which do not want to be addressed in everyday life. At the beginning of 2019 I founded SENTIRE ENTERTAINMENT. At the beginning of March I published my first film. "Who am I?" - the film. Further information can be found under Projects. The Zürcher Unterländer published a report about me on March 4th. You can find it here. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.